The Biakoye District Assembly was carved out of the former Jasikan District in 2007. It was established by Legislative Instrument (L.I.) 1910 on 1st of November, 2007. The district was inaugurated in March, 2011. The capital is Nkonya Ahenkro, which is about 70 kilometers from Ho, the regional capital and about 185 kilometers from Accra, the National Capital.
The District is located in the middle part of the Volta Region and lies within longitude 00 15’ E and 00 45’ E and latitude 60 45’ N and 70 15’ N. It shares boarders with the Hohoe Municipal Assembly and Jasikan Districts Assembly to the east, Kpando Municipal District to the south, Kadjebi and Krachi East Districts to the North and the Volta Lake to the west.
Major Agricultural Activities
[dt_sc_separator class=”star-separator aligncenter”]Food crops are produced mainly by peasant farmers using simple hand tools. The average land holding per farmer is about 0.5 ha.
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The District is very fertile for major cash crops like cocoa, oil palm and shea plantations. Unfortunately, these are not being harnessed
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Common livestock found in the Biakoye District are sheep, goats, cattle, pigs and poultry (fowls, ducks and guinea fowls). About 80% of all
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There are a number of sites which could be developed to attract tourists to the District. Historical sites including tombs of some unknown Germans who died during the colonial period and shrines are found at Nkonya areas ( Ahenkro, Tepo, Bumbulla) and other communities of the District.
Some of the shrines also function as healing homes and centres for the preparation of traditional medicine. The Kabo Forest Reserve, Monkey Sanctuary Island at Adzamansu, Volcanic Lake at Tayi and the Volta Lake also serve as source of attraction to tourists.