The Biakoye District Assembly was carved out of the former Jasikan District in 2007. It was established by Legislative Instrument (L.I.) 1910 on 1st of November, 2007. The district was inaugurated in March, 2011. The capital is Nkonya Ahenkro, which is about 70 kilometers from Ho, the regional capital and about 185 kilometers from Accra, the National Capital.
The District is located in the middle part of the Volta Region and lies within longitude 00 15’ E and 00 45’ E and latitude 60 45’ N and 70 15’ N. It shares boarders with the Hohoe Municipal Assembly and Jasikan Districts Assembly to the east, Kpando Municipal District to the south, Kadjebi and Krachi East Districts to the North and the Volta Lake to the west.
The total surface land area is about 1,105.9 sq/km representing 5.4% of the total land area of the Volta Region. The District Capital is Nkonya-Ahenkro, located in the southern part of the District.
Based on the 2010 population and housing census estimation of 65,901 comprising approximately 33,057 women and 32,844 men, Biakoye District’s population was projected to be 82,481 in 2018. In terms of sex composition, male form 50.2 percent of the population, making Biakoye District one of the few districts in Ghana where males slightly outnumber females.
Furthermore, about 22,373 (33.9%) of the population live in the rural areas. The sex ratio for the District is 100.6. This means that for every 100 females, there are about 101 males, indicating that there are more males than females, as stated earlier, in the District. The District grows at an annual rate of 2.5% (Volta Regional Growth Rate).