Center For National Culture


To respect, preserve, harness and use cultural heritage and resources to develop a united, vibrant and a prosperous national community with a distinctive African identity and personality and collective confidence and pride of place among the comity of nations

Head of Department

The National Commission on Culture is to maintain the unique cultural identity and values for the promotion of an integrated national culture, as well as contribute to the overall economic development of the nation.

The Centre for National Culture (CNC) operates in the district as a sub vented agency designed to promote, develop and preserve the culture of the Biakoye district.

It also Promote culture in the development process, Diversify and expand the tourism industry for economic development .

National Commission on Culture (our parent agency) is headed by a Board with a regulatory, supervisory and collaborative responsibility over a number of institutions to ensure the promotion of culture in the national life of the people. 

Culture is the totality of the way of life evolved by our people through experience and reflection  in  our  attempt  to  fashion  a  harmonious  co-existence  with  our  environment.

This culture is dynamic and gives order and meaning to the social, political, economic, aesthetic and religious practices of our people. Our culture also gives us our distinct identity as a people.

Our Culture manifests in our ideals and ideas, beliefs and values; folklore, environment, science  and  technology;  and  in  the  forms  of  our  political,  social,  legal  and  economic institutions.

It also manifests in the aesthetic quality and humanistic dimension of our literature, music, drama, architecture, carvings, paintings and other artistic forms.

Having taken post on the 1st April, 2021 as the new Biakoye District Cultural Officer (BDCO).I have painstakingly taken a bird’s eye view of the sub-district areas of administration namely Apesokubi, Bowiri, Kwamekrom, Nkonya (where I reside), Tapa and Worawora.

Visiting and interacting with the populace in these areas. I have come to appreciate the rich traditional