CLIENT SERVICE CHARTER BIAKOYE DISTRICT ASSEMBLY NKONYA AHENKRO CLIENT SERVICE CHARTER Biakoye District Assembly: Accountability, client-oriented, creativity, diligence, discipline, equity, integrity, innovativeness, timeliness and transparency. Table of Contents FOREWORD CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 MANDATE …………………………………………………………………………………..2 1.2 VISION ………………………………………………………………………………………2 1.3 MISSION STATEMENT …………………………………………………………………...2 1.4 CORE VALUES……………………………………………………………………………..2 1.5 STRATEGIC PLAN…………………………………………………………………………2 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 CORE FUNCTIONS OF THE ASSEMBLY………………………………………………3 CHAPTER THREE 3.0 SERVICES AND SERVICE STANDARDS………………………………………………4 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 PROCESSES IN OBTAINING SERVICES FROM DEPARTMENTS………………...5 4.1 STEPS INVOLVED IN OBTAINING DEVELOPMENT/BUILDING PERMITS…….....6 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 COURTESY AND COOPERATION………………………………………………………7 5.1 WHAT WE EXPECT FROM THE PUBLIC………………………………………………7 5.2 DEALING WITH ENQUIRIES, COMPLAINTS, AND GRIEVANCES…………………7 5.3 CONTACT ADDRESS AND CONTACT PERSONS……………………………………8 FOREWORD This Client Service Charter has been developed to monitor efficient service delivery and serve as the blueprint for the Biakoye Assembly (BDA). This will help to further facilitate the standardization of the services delivered and to communicate to the public the exact services that BDA delivers. It details the service standards that BDA is committed to delivering to our stakeholders and outlines a complaints procedure for our esteemed stakeholders who may have challenges with our services. Through this document, the BDA will be able to communicate to stakeholders’ vital information about what it commits to do, how to contact us, what to expect by way of service standards, and how to seek remedy for unsatisfactory service. It will enhance the participation of civil society and interest groups in the provision of services as well as provide transparent mechanisms for contact, accessibility and complaints. Another fundamental reason for the development of this Charter is to highlight to our clients, the various services offered by BDA, the procedures to follow to access them, and the timeframe within which to obtain each service. It is our expectation that stakeholders who engage BDA are served in line with our values of being professional, ethical, efficient and responsive. Our commitment as an entity is to ensure that we provide the highest standards of excellence in client service delivery. We welcome feedback as we work together to create a customer-centric culture and to deliver value to our stakeholders. …………………………………………………… ROBERT AKOLBILA AGETWIN (DISTRICT COORDINATING DIRECTOR) BIAKOYE DISTRICT ASSEMBLY CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Client Service Charter provides information on the services rendered by the Biakoye District Assembly to its clientele and states what the public need to know concerning the activities of the Assembly and further indicates how feedback could be communicated with regard to any of our services. It also outlines our service standards, fees charged (if any) in assessing our service and defines what the public can expect from us. The Biakoye District Assembly was carved out of the former Jasikan District in 2007. It was established by Legislative Instrument (L.I.) 1910 on 1st of November, 2007. The district was inaugurated in March, 2011. The District is located in the Southern part of the OTI Region and lies within longitude 00 15’ E and 00 45’ E and latitude 60 45’ N and 70 15’ N. It shares boarders with the Hohoe Municipal Assembly and Jasikan Districts Assembly to the East, Kpando Municipal District to the South, Kadjebi and Krachi East Districts to the North and the Volta Lake to the West. The total surface land area is about 1,105.9 sq/km The legislative and deliberative organ of the Assembly has a membership of Forty-Seven (47) Assembly Members made up of 40 males and 7 female. Thirty-three (33) are Elected members and Fourteen (14) are government appointees and One Member of Parliament. The Member of Parliament and the District Chief Executive are non-voting members of the General Assembly. There are six Sub-District Structures namely Bowiri, Nkonya, Apesorkubi and Tapa Area Councils, and Worawora and Kwamikrom Town Councils, all inaugurated. The General Assembly is the highest decision making body in the District Assembly. The Presiding member who is elected by the members of the Assembly presides over meetings of the General Assembly. The Political head of the District is the District Chief Executive who is the Chief Representative of the Central Government in the District. The Assembly functions or works through a network of statutory sub-committees and other adhoc committees. The following committees under the Assembly work with specified functions: Finance and Administration Sub-committee, Works Sub-committee, Social Services Sub-committee, Justice and Security Sub-committee, District Education Oversight Committee, District Health Committee, Spatial Planning Sub-committee, Development Planning Sub-committee, Public Relations and Complaints committee, Executive Committee, District Tender Committee. Meetings of the Assembly are chaired by the Presiding Member who is elected from among its members by Two-Thirds majority of all the members of the Assembly. The Biakoye District Assembly is headed by the District Chief Executive, who is nominated by the President and approved by Two-Thirds of the members of the District Assembly Members present and voting. The Executive Committee is made up of chairpersons of the various Sub-Committees, the District Chief Executive who presides over the meetings, and three other Members elected by the Assembly and the Secretary who is the District Coordinating Director. Heads of Departments of the Assembly attend meetings of relevant sub-committees and advise accordingly. The Executive Committee is responsible for the performance of executive and coordinating functions of the Assembly. It is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions of the Assembly and oversees the administration of the District. The committee is expected to: 1. Coordinate plans and programs of the Sub-Committees and submit these plans as comprehensive plans of action to the Assembly 2. Implement resolutions of the Assembly. 3. Oversee the administration of the Municipality in collaboration with the office of the District Chief Executive. 4. Recommend where it considers necessary, in the case of District non-decentralized departments to the appropriate government Ministry, Department and Agencies (MDAs), the appointment and replacement of officers within the area of authority of the Assembly. 5. Adopt measures to develop and execute approved plans of the units, areas and town and Sub-District Councils within the area of authority of the Assembly. 6. Recommend to the District Assembly the coordination, integration and harmonization of Development Plans and Policies. 1.1 MANDATE Exercise political and administrative authority in the District. 1.2 VISION Seeks to become the Leading Aqua-culture and Vegetable exporting District in the country. 1.3 MISSION STATEMENT The Biakoye District Exists to ensure the social, economic and political well-being of its people through public-private partnership and fiscal, material, human resources mobilization in an atmosphere of peace and unity 1.4 CORE VALUES The core values of the Assembly are: Accountability, client-oriented, creativity, diligence, discipline, equity, integrity, innovativeness, timeliness and transparency. 1.5 STRATEGIC PLAN To improve upon the general living standards of people through a concerted effort of all stakeholders to achieve self-reliance, accountability, unity of purpose with the creation of the necessary enabling environment for the growth of the private sector-led economy based on the principle of good governance. CHAPTER TWO 2.0 FUNCTIONS We are responsible for: • Exercising political and administrative authority • Controlling, regulating, inspecting, supervising, licensing of premises for carrying out any profession, occupation, trade or business. • Issuance of Building and Development permits • Issuance of Business operating licenses. • Approval of planning schemes/layouts • Development Control (orderly physical development of settlements). • Waste Management • Revenue Mobilization • Fixing of Rates • Providing basic Socio-Economic Infrastructure, including Schools, Markets, Water, Lorry Parks, sanitation facilities (Public and Institutional Toilets) Roads • Promoting Local Economic Development • Collaborating with the relevant National and Local Security Agencies to maintain security and public safety. • Promoting justice by ensuring ready access to courts The Biakoye District Assembly operates within the following legal provisions and guidelines:  The Auction Sales Act, 1989 (PNDC Law 230).  The Liquor Licensing Act, 1970 (Act 331)  The Control and Prevention of Bush Fires Act, 1990(PNDC Law 229).  The Section 296 of Criminal Offence Act, 1960 (Act29) in respect of littering.  The 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana  Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936)  Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921)  Public Procurement Act, 2016, (Act 914)  Spatial Planning Act, 2016 (Act 925)  National Development Planning (System) Regulations, 2016 (L.I. 2232)  Composite Budget Guidelines, 2018  Public Health Law, 2012 (Act, 851)  Mental Health Act, 2012 (Act 846)  Gazzetted Bye laws  The Section 296 of Criminal Offence Act, 1960 (Act 29) in respect of stray animals CHAPTER THREE 3.0 SERVICE STANDARDS All Departments, Units and Agencies must, as a minimum, meet the following service standards: • Respond to citizens needs promptly and courteously at all service delivery points; • Provide friendly and helpful service; • Help service users make the right choices in accessing services; • Provide appropriate signage and information desks; • Answer calls promptly • Respond to queries and complaints promptly; • Respond to mail and email correspondence promptly; • Encourage service users to make suggestions on how to better the service offered • Reflect high proficiency and ethical standards • Promote popular participation in decision making • Ensure accountability and transparency in all our stakeholder and public engagements. CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 PROCESSES IN OBTAINING SERVICES FROM DEPARTMENTS. SERVICE TIME FRAME (MONTHS/DAYS) Issuance of Building permits Within three (3) Months Preparation and approval of planning schemes/layout Within six (6) Months or one year depending on the size of the settlements Issuance of business Operating Licenses Issuance Service after payment of required fees Feedback on Complaints Lodged Five (5) working days upon receipt Feedback on Correspondences Seven (7) working days upon receipts Issuance of Marriage Certificate • Complete and publish Form for Notice of Registration at specified places for 28 days • Couple and two witnesses complete Form of Registration (FR) • Couple submit FR with affidavit • Payment of approved fees • Issuance of Marriage Certificate within 5 days after marriage • NB: Requirements for Marriage Registration: Color copy of photo lD of couple and 2 witnesses, Two passport pictures of each couple, affidavit. Divorce Certificate See Registrar of Marriage at Assembly Specific Complaints Visit Client Service Unit or Call Client Service 0fficer *Lodge your complaints verbally or written *Leave your contact Number or Address with Client Service Officer *Wait for a feedback within five working days *Report issues directly to DCD/DCE/PM if not satisfied with first response. Courtesy call on District Chief Executive/ District Coordinating Director Report at the reception/secretary for direction to DCE/DCD Office *Register at DCE/DCD Secretariat *Indicate purpose of visit (Official/Private/Personal) *Wait for your turn at the DCE/DCD Secretariat *Sign-out at the Secretariat on your way out 4.1 STEPS INVOLVED IN OBTAINING DEVELOPMENT/BUILDING PERMITS STEP 1: PURCHASE OF FORMS Buy your development and building permit application form and Jacket from the Finance Office of the Assembly. STEP 2: REQUIREMENTS BASIC REQUIREMENTS • Evidence of Land Ownership (Receipt Chiefs Consent) • Signed Site Plan (Must be endorsed by a qualified Supervisor or equivalent) • Building Permit Jacket (To be obtained from Municipal Finance Office) • Four (4) copies of Building Drawing (Drawing must be endorsed) • Property rate payment receipt (For existing buildings) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS (For multi-purpose and multi-usage) • Four (4) copies of structural drawings approved by an Architect or Structural Engineer • Soil test report • Ghana National Fire Service report • Environmental protection Agency report • Structural integrity report in case development has already commenced or is completed (for building above 2-storey) • Drawings must be satisfied by a Structural Engineer or Architect • Up to date business registration and operating permit (for commercial organizations) • Property rate payment receipt (for existing buildings) CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 COURTESY AND COOPERATION.  Our office doors are marked to facilitate easy identification.  Friendly Client Service Officers will be on hand to provide various services.  Assembly Staff are also available to provide professional support services.  A well trained development control task force will visit various construction sites to ensure compliance to building regulations.  Courteous Revenue Collectors with go round daily to collect various rates/fees.  Active participation in all Communal Labour activities at the community level.  Active participation in the various community level education programmes on sanitation, hygiene, revenue collection and Town Hall Meetings.  Avoidance of littering of all forms and report those that liter.  Developers are entreated to produce valid development permits.  Strict Compliance with by-laws of the Assembly. 5.1 WHAT WE EXPECT FROM THE PUBLIC: The Assembly experts full co-operation and compliance with its rules, regulations and procedures to ensure smooth service delivery: to access any of the services we provide: • Business should be duly registered with the Registrar General Department and the Assembly: • Prompt payment of Property Rates, Business Operating Permits and Basic Rates. • Rate payers are entreated to pay approved sums and collect receipts covering amounts paid. • Prompt report of unauthorized development, illegal connections and crime. • Active participation in all Communal Labour activities at the community level. • Active participation in the various community level education programmes on sanitation, hygiene, revenue collection and Town Hall Meetings. • Avoidance of littering of all forms and reports those that litter. • Developers are entreated to produce valid development permits. • Strict Compliance with by-laws of the Assembly. 5.2 DEALING WITH ENQUIRIES, COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES • You can make your enquiry or lodge complaints at our Client Service Center or by contacting our hotline on 0246231628 • We aim to acknowledge and respond to your written communication within seven (7) working days. • Our suggestion box has been placed at a conspicuous location to take your suggestion on daily basis and we commit to providing feedback within five (5) working days upon receipt. • If we cannot fully provide an answer to your query within that specified time, we will provide you with an interim response and advise you as to when a final response can be expected. • We aim to investigate your complaints, provide you with the proposed action to solve them, and seek your feedback about the proposed action within seven working days of receiving your complaints. • We aim to follow up with you on executed action to make sure it has been executed within the specified period and seeking feedback about the final result. • If you are not satisfied with the proposed action, we will provide you with the right to raise a grievance to the office of the Presiding Member 5.3 CONTACT ADDRESS AND CONTACT PERSONS A. CONTACT ADDRESS Biakoye Assembly Post Office Box 40 Oti Region Ghana Post GPS Address: VB-0399-2911 Email: Website: B. CONTACT PERSONS 1. Hon. Comfort A. Attah – District Chief Executive – 0540760116 2. Hon. Moses Ansah – Presiding Member – 0246811441 3. Robert A. Akolbila – District Coordinating Director – 0593202104 4. Client Service Centre – 0246231628

Welcome To Biakoye

Biakoye District Assembly

“Biakoye District Assembly was founded in 2007”

Biakoye was carved out of the Jasikan District  by a Legislative Instrument (L.I) 1910 of 2007. The district was inaugurated in March 2011. The district is located in the middle part of the Volta Region.

The Finance Department

With our indefatigable Finance Team, all our Financial Assets are up to tune

Latest Annual Plan

Have a feel of the latest annual plan that has been drafted by our exceptional team.

Our highly reputed institution has the aim to Become a First Class Client-Focused Assembly Providing Sustainable Development to the People.

The Biakoye Municipal Assembly exists to Provide Socio-Economic and Environmental Services by Leveraging on both Human and Material Resources for the Development of the Municipality.

Our Core Functions