Commissioning Of Boreholes Within The Biakoye District

COMMISSIONING OF BOREHOLES WITHIN THE BIAKOYE DISTRICT   The District Chief Executive, Hon. Millicent Kabuki Carboo led the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN – OPERATION BLESSING TEAM) an NGO, which drilled thirteen (13) boreholes within the district, to commission them. The Country Manager of OPERATION BLESSING, Mr. Samuel Adotei said, they have provided these boreholes because of the humanitarian nature of their work. Mr. Adotei said, beneficiary communities must take proper care of the facilities as its finance is from the sweat of others. The elated Hon. Millicent Carboo said as water is life, anyone who provides it  provides life. She adjured the people of the beneficiary communities to guard the use of the water judiciously because, its benefits are enormous. Nananom and  their people were full of praises and were visibly  grateful to the District Chief Executive, CBN and their financiers and promised to take good care of it as they showered blessings upon them. On one of the days, the Oti Regional Minister, Hon. Joshua Makubu joined the DCE to commission a number of the boreholes. Beneficiary communities are:-Nkonya Adzamansu, Nkonya Bumbula, Bowiri Takrabe, Bowiri Aboabo, Bompaso, Worawora.    

Expanded Revenue Collection

Expanded Revenue Collection Subcommittee Chairpersons were deployed by the District Assembly to collect Market Tolls starting from today. The expanded market toll collections which was at the instance of the District Chief Executive, Hon. Millicent Kabuki Carboo, was to enhance the collection of the tolls and to research into the low rates of collection. The Hon. DCE took time off her busy schedule and visited the collection points to boost the morale of the team which adorned the District Assembly’s Reflective Gears. The Tapa Abotoase Market is currently, the largest market in the Biakoye District and forms the basis for the District’s Revenue Collections. Find attached some pictures for your perusal

District Environmental Health Office Holds Sensitisation on Nutrition, Personal Hygiene, Hand washing and Medical Screening for School Feeding Caterers, Food and Drink Vendors

The District Environmental Health Unit yesterday ended a one week long sensitization of various categories of food and beverage vendors, including School Feeding Caterers across the district. The groups were sensitised on various topics including Personal Hygiene, Hand washing and nutrition. Speaking to the participants, the District Environmental Health Officer, Mr. Emil Agboso, entreated food vendors to take the exercise seriously especially as we were still not out of the covid 19 pandemic. He admonished them to always make sure food they served the general public were always hot. He continued that this was a sure way to keep the society safe from infections and cholera break outs. The exercise also included medical screening for all vendors district wide. Over 2000 food and beverage vendors were screened and issued with certificates.